Ar esate susidurę, o gal turite kenwood'a su SRS garso gerinimo sistema?
Norėčiau nusipirkti tokį modelį, turintį šia savybę, tačiau Lietuvos skelbimuose nerandu kas tokį turėtų, tai ar apie juos niekas nieko negirdėję ar ten nieko gero nėra?
Gal galite kanors apie juos papasakoti?
Keletas modelių:
KDC-X979, KDC-X869, KDC-X9006U, KDC-X991, KDC-MP922...
Beje būna ne tik Kenwood'ų.
Dėkingas už info
SRS WOW system.
Digital sound field correction technology
(developed by SRS) to combine three elements.
These include the SRS 3D, SRS TruBass and SRS
FOCUS systems to create an ideal, natural and
comfortable sound space in the vehicle
compartment, an environment usually hostile to
good sound reproduction. It features more natural
sound than ordinary surround audio and can provide
any listening position with a natural 3D acoustic
field. When compressed audio (MP3) is played, it
can replace sound lost during compression and
produce a natural sound that is closest to the